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—1997 IN REVIEW—
This special issue contains an index of many housing-related documents featured in RRR during 1997.

The order form inside includes a brief description of each document. The month noted at the end of each entry refers to the issue of RRR in which more detailed information on that publication may be found.

A Newsletter From HUD USER, January 1998

Please use this form to order the documents listed on the following pages.
Please print this form and indicate the requested number of copies in the column marked “Quantity,” multiply by the per copy cost indicated under “Price,” and enter the total cost for each item. Add these to determine the “Total Due HUD USER.”

Building Technology Price Quantity Total

Assessment of the 1995 Model Energy Code for Adoption Analyzes the energy efficiency gains of the new code and the resulting economic impact on homebuyers. June (ACCN-HUD7817) $5.00 ________ $________
Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing (Revised Chapter 7) Explains methods for performing lead-based paint inspections in housing.
With Performance Control Standards (ACCN-HUD6700-1)
Without Performance Control Standards
Insulating Concrete Forms for Residential Construction Reports on four demonstration projects that used this alternative structural material, finding increased comfort, energy savings, buffered sound, and lower maintenance than yielded by standard wood-frame construction. November (ACCN-HUD8095) $5.00 ________ $________
Lead-Based Paint Maintenance Program Teaches apartment maintenance supervisors and workers how to safely maintain and manage properties with lead paint contamination. Complete, 7-hour training curriculum includes a 200-page Training Guide, 9 video segments that demonstrate proper practices, and a 22-page laminated Lead-Based Paint Planning Tool.
Training kit (ACCN-AVI6800)
Additional copy of Planning Tool (ACCN-AVI6801)
Nationally Applicable Recommended Rehabilitation Provisions Provides rehab professionals, building officials, and property owners with elements of a model code for the entire spectrum of rehab work. August (ACCN-HUD7842) $5.00 ________ $________
Next Generation of Manufactured Housing: Design Phase Presents two designs for manufactured housing that reduce costs by incorporating innovative methods, materials, and systems. June (ACCN-HUD7814) $5.00 ________ $________
Ninth Report to Congress on the Manufactured Housing Program Describes research initiatives, testing and data trends, and enforcement actions undertaken by HUD between 1991 and 1994. April (ACCN-HUD7705) $5.00 ________ $________
Part 3280, Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Presents updated national standards for the design, construction, transportation, fire safety, plumbing, heating, and electrical systems of manufactured homes. April (ACCN-HUD7702) $5.00 ________ $________
Part 3282, Manufactured Home Procedural and Enforcement Regulations Describes the use of private and State inspection organizations, in cooperation with State manufactured home agencies, in the enforcement of national regulation of manufactured home production. April (ACCN-HUD7706) $5.00 ________ $________
Residential Lead Hazard Control Reference Library on CD-ROM Brings together a vast array of reference information about lead-based paint dangers and how to deal with them. September (ACCN-AVI0077) $25.00 ________ $________

Community and Economic Development Price Quantity Total

Lessons from the Field on the Implementation of Section 3 Explores the potential of Section 3 to significantly increase economic opportunity by examining its implementation at seven PHAs. February (ACCN-HUD7490) $5.00 ________ $________
State of the Cities Major new policy report examines economic and development trends in urban America and outlines President Clinton's empowerment agenda. August (ACCN-HUD7839) $5.00 ________ $________
University-Community Partnerships: Current Practices, Volume II Recognizes the community-oriented initiatives of 225 universities, colleges, and community colleges and their local partners in the public and private sector. February (ACCN-HUD7582) $5.00 ________ $________

Finance and Homeownership Price Quantity Total

Cityscape: Journal of Policy Development and Research, Vol. 3, No. 1 "Ethnicity and Homeownership" Publishes groundbreaking ethnographic research on the social and cultural forces that shape the home-purchase decisions of minority and immigrant households. May (ACCN-HUD7727) $5.00 ________ $________

Housing Affordability Price Quantity Total

Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, Vol. 3, No. 2 "Mixed-Income Housing" Examines a widely discussed option in housing policy: mixed-income development -- its types, analytical frameworks, and factors for success. November (ACCN-HUD8284) $5.00 ________ $________

Housing for Everyone Price Quantity Total

A Blueprint for Action: A Resource for Promoting Home Modifications Provides valuable information about universal design principles by guiding readers through a discussion of the importance of home modifications and the key issues that impede their adoption. December (ACCN-HUD8308) $5.00 ________ $________
Evaluation of the Emergency Shelter Grants Program Surveys grantees and recipient agencies and analyzes the program's impact on local systems for providing aid to the homeless.
Vol. 1: Findings (ACCN-HUD6501)
Vol. 2: Site Profiles (ACCN-HUD6502)
Vol. 3: Technical Appendices (ACCN-HUD6503)
National Evaluation of the Shelter Plus Care Program Examines how communities use the program to provide disabled homeless people with stable housing where they can address their problems, increase their skills, earn income, and gain more influence over the decisions that affect their lives. December (ACCN-HUD8286) $5.00 ________ $________
National Evaluation of the Supportive Housing Demonstration Program: Final Report Summarizes assessments of the two Supportive Housing Demonstration programs -- the Transitional Housing Program and the Permanent Housing for the Handicapped Homeless Program. December (ACCN-HUD6545) $5.00 ________ $________
Review of the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Programs Administered by HUD: Report to Congress Reviews evaluations of HUD's six McKinney Act programs, which provide funding for a wide range of local homeless assistance activities, including emergency shelter, transitional and permanent housing, and homeless prevention. December (ACCN-HUD6540) $5.00 ________ $________

Housing Markets and Demographics Price Quantity Total

American Housing Survey for the United States in 1995, Revised Presents data from the most recent biennial survey of U.S. housing, which describes the size and composition of the housing inventory, the characteristics of its occupants, new construction statistics, indicators of housing and neighborhood quality, and characteristics of recent movers. September (ACCN-HUD8043) $5.00 ________ $________
American Housing Survey Metropolitan Area Studies Details housing characteristics of selected metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) surveyed every 4 years.
Atlanta 1996 (ACCN-HUD8312)
Charlotte 1995 (ACCN-HUD8222)
Chicago 1995 (ACCN-HUD8213)
Cleveland 1996 (ACCN-HUD8314)
Columbus 1995 (ACCN-HUD8215)
Denver 1995 (ACCN-HUD8294)
Detroit 1995 (ACCN-HUD8214)
Hartford 1996 (ACCN-HUD8321)
Indianapolis 1996 (ACCN-HUD8512)
Kansas City 1995 (ACCN-HUD8293)
Los Angeles 1995 (ACCN-HUD8208)
Memphis 1996 (ACCN-HUD8329)
New Orleans 1995 (ACCN-HUD8224)
New York/Nassau/Suffolk/Orange 1995 (ACCN-HUD8223)
North New Jersey 1995 (ACCN-HUD8221)
Oklahoma City 1996 (ACCN-HUD8319)
Philadelphia 1995 (ACCN-HUD8292)
Pittsburgh 1995 (ACCN-HUD8301)
Portland 1995 (ACCN-HUD8216)
Sacramento 1996 (ACCN-HUD8327)
San Antonio 1995 (ACCN-HUD8287)
Seattle 1996 (ACCN-HUD8337)
St. Louis 1996 (ACCN-HUD8335)
Characteristics of HUD-Assisted Renters and Their Units Using data collected for the American Housing Survey, these two newly released reports present detailed information on the varying characteristics of more than 4 million households served by public housing, tenant-based Section 8 rental assistance, and several types of HUD project-based assistance.
Characteristics…in 1991 (ACCN-HUD7837)
Characteristics…in 1993 (ACCN-HUD7838)
Estimated Median Family Incomes Lists annually adjusted estimates of the decile distribution of family income in every county, MSA, and primary MSA in the United States.
FY 1997 National (ACCN-DOC2400)
FY 1998 National (ACCN-DOC2800)
FY 1997 State (ACCN-DOC2401)
FY 1998 State (ACCN-DOC2801)
Income Limits for "Low-Income" and "Very Low-Income" Families Under the Housing Act of 1937 Lists by family size and income eligibility limits for federally assisted housing.
1997 National (ACCN-DOC2500)
1998 National (ACCN-DOC2700)
1997 States (ACCN-DOC2501)
1998 States (ACCN-DOC2701)
1997 Diskette (ACCN-AVI0071)
1998 Diskette (ACCN-AVI0080)
$5.00 (each)
$5.00 (each)
A Picture of Subsidized Households Presents previously unavailable local-level data from HUD's management systems on a wide range of public and assisted housing programs.
Vol. 1 New England (ACCN-HUD7611)
Vol. 2 New York & New Jersey (ACCN-HUD7612)
Vol. 3 Mid-Atlantic (ACCN-HUD7613)
Vol. 4 Southeast (ACCN-HUD7614)
Vol. 5 Midwest (ACCN-HUD7615)
Vol. 6 Southwest (ACCN-HUD7616)
Vol. 7 Great Plains (ACCN-HUD7617)
Vol. 8 Rocky Mountains (ACCN-HUD7618)
Vol. 9 Pacific (ACCN-HUD7619)
Vol. 10 Northwest (ACCN-HUD7620)
Vol. 11 U.S. large projects & agencies (ACCN-HUD7621)

Periodicals Price Quantity Total

Cityscape: Journal of Policy Development and Research Shares research on innovative ideas, policies, and programs that show promise in revitalizing cities and regions.
Special Issue, December 1996 "A Collection of Essays"
   Brings together 10 essays by former HUD Secretary
   Henry G. Cisneros that provide a unique and thoughtful
   perspective on critical urban issues.
   February (ACCN-HUD7668)
$5.00 ________ $________
Vol 3, Issue 1: Ethnicity and Homeownership
   (see Finance and Homeownership)
Vol 3, Issue 2: Mixed Income Housing
   (see Housing Affordability)
Fieldworks Shares practical information on noteworthy housing and community development programs and resources. 1-year subscription of six bimonthly issues (ACCN-HUD7196) $15.00 ________ $________
Urban Research Monitor Cites new publications recently added to HUD USER's database of housing and urban research. 1-year subscription of six bimonthly issues (ACCN-HUD7195) $15.00 ________ $________
U.S. Housing Market Conditions Presents essential data on housing markets from up-to-date government and industry sources. 1-year subscription of four quarterly issues (ACCN-HUD7492) $30.00 ________ $________

Public and Assisted Housing Price Quantity Total

Community Building in Public Housing Examines a promising new approach to community revitalization. This readable, illustrated report features dozens of examples of community building in action. August (ACCN-HUD7813) $5.00 ________ $________
Gateway Housing Program: Report to Congress Evaluates the first 6 years of a pioneering self-sufficiency program operated by the Charlotte Housing Authority, finding some encouraging but costly successes. September (ACCN-HUD7853) $10.00 ________ $________
A Guide to Evaluating Crime Control in Public Housing Takes PHA managers and their local partners step-by-step through critical issues in the evaluation process, from preparing for an evaluation and collecting information to reporting findings. May (ACCN-HUD7716) $5.00 ________ $________
A Guidebook for Performing Public Housing Environmental Reviews Provides step-by-step instructions for PHAs on carrying out environmental reviews, a new responsibility required for modernization and development activities. August (ACCN-HUD7850) $5.00 ________ $________
How To Conduct Crime Victimization Surveys: A Workbook Offers a practical tool for evaluating the effectiveness of crime prevention programs. May (ACCN-HUD7714 $5.00 ________ $________
Private Management of Public Housing: A Guidebook Helps PHAs weigh the benefits and costs of private management for their buildings, outlining key choices and implementation steps. November (ACCN-HUD7841) $5.00 ________ $________
Public Housing Management Assessment Program Telecast Summarizes new PHMAP requirements, covering the rule's most important changes and offering tips on dealing with each indicator. March
2 videotapes (ACCN-AVI0072)
Handouts Covering PHMAP Regulations
State and Metropolitan Administration of Section 8: Current Models and Potential Resources Analyzes structural advantages and procedural innovations that enable Section 8 programs administered by State or metropolitan agencies to offer families broader access to housing choices. August (ACCN-HUD7751) $5.00 ________ $________

Total Due HUDUSER $________

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