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Affordable Housing Through Regulatory Reform: Task Force

Reports & Publications

Bend, Oregon: Affordable Housing Task Force Report

The City of Bend, Oregon established an affordable housing task force in 2001. The task force identified the shortage of affordable housing as a problem that impacts not only the homeless or those with special needs but also those who currently live and work in the city. They identify efforts undertaken by the local government and other non-government organizations to solve the problem. However, they say that more must be done and that a task force needed to be created to address housing issues for the future. The task force was composed of nine local experts who met every two weeks for six months. The final recommendations covered a wide range of topics including financing programs, education programs and changes in city policies.

The authors suggest that the city consider revising the zoning code to include mixed-use developments, density bonuses, and accessory housing. They also want the city to examine the zoning and building code to identify any barriers to new building technologies that might reduce construction costs. They also suggest that the City undertake a demonstration program where they defer certain “System Development Charges” or development fees in exchange for a developer’s agreement to establish rent caps for all or a portion of the units in the development.

The task force also suggested pre-approving certain unused public land for affordable housing so that the development review process could be shortened. They also suggested using public lands or lands designed for public facilities as a way to reduce the time to process applications for homeless/special needs shelters. The task force also sought to address the issue of suitable land being lost to other types of development by requesting the City to conduct a survey of such land and explore exactions or donations to encourage developers to develop the land as residential.

The task force also suggested developing criteria for applying property tax abatement to affordable housing developments and earmarking or acquiring land set aside for affordable housing in any Urban Growth Boundary expansion.

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