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The Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse (RBC) collects and disseminates information on the production and preservation of affordable housing and sustainable communities through a searchable database of state and local programs and policies that encourage housing affordability. The following initiatives and periodicals were previously hosted on the RBC site, but have now been discontinued.

National Call to Action

National Call to Action (Archived in July 2014): HUD's National Call to Action was a campaign developed by the America's Affordable Communities Initiative to enlist states, local communities, and affordable housing advocacy groups across the nation to commit to producing affordable housing through public participation in a national network for regulatory reform.

RBC Periodicals

Breakthroughs and Strategy of the Month (Archived in September 2013): The Breakthroughs online newsletter and the Strategy of the Month eList article provided information about successful affordable housing strategies and were both part of the Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse. Since 2012, these articles have been incorporated into the In Practice column in PD&R’s online magazine, The Edge.

In Depth (Archived in Feburary 2025): The In Depth section of the Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse offered a closer look at interesting and innovative state and local strategies, activities, and plans that reduce the impact of regulations and promote affordable housing.




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