St. Paul, Minnesota
Projected Home Prices: $94,000-$102,000
Median Home Price in the Metropolitan Statistical Area: $132,000
Description: In 1996, Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity was approached by the Neighborhood Development Alliance (NeDA) to collaborate in the redevelopment of a vacant, six-unit, 110-year old building in St. Paul.
Since Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity relies on the sweat equity of the future occupants of the homes it develops, it was necessary to select families as future owners prior to the onset of construction. This presented a particular challenge because the condition of the building was so deteriorated that prospective buyers had considerable difficulty imagining what the completed restoration would look like.
After overcoming all the challenges presented, the building is now a beautifully restored six-unit building on a prominent thoroughfare in an ethnically diverse community of St. Paul. Furthermore, these homes provide very affordable, owner-occupied housing to six low-income households at a time when finding affordable housing of any kind is extremely difficult.