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National Green Space Design Conference: Redesigning the Legacy of Open Space, Park City, UT. Contact: (801) 328-8899. MARCH 10-14 2001 APA National Planning Conference, New Orleans, LA. American Planning Association. Contact: (312) 786-6705. MARCH 10-14 Creating the Future of Philanthropy: National Conference on Fundraising International Conference, San Diego, CA. National Society of Fundraising Executives. Contact: (703) 684-0410. MARCH 12-14 Rural Voices: Sharing Our Stories, San Diego, CA. Rural Community Assistance Corporation. Contact: (916) 447-2854. MARCH 12-15 Introduction to Economic Development, Cleveland, OH. Council for Urban Economic Development. Contact: (202) 223-4735. MARCH 24-26 National People's Action 30th Annual Neighborhoods Conference, Arlington, VA. Contact: (312) 243-3038. APRIL 1 Integrating GIS and CAMA: 2001 Conference, Baltimore, MD. Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA). Contact: (847) 824-6300. APRIL 1-4 National Town Meeting on Main Street, Indianapolis, IN. National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP). Contact: (202) 289-3500. APRIL 23-24 Technology-led Urban Economic Development, Chicago, IL. Council for Urban Economic Development (CUED). Contact: (202) 223-4735.