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PD&R, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - Office of Policy Development and Research


JUNE 24–28

Energy Performance Contracting for Public Housing Authorities, Chicago, IL. University of Illinois Great Lakes Center, Environmental Training for HUD Programs. Contact: Eugene Goldfarb, (312) 353–5417.

JUNE 26–29

Building Energy Conference, Newark, NJ. Northeast Sustainable Energy Association. Contact: (413) 774–6051.

JULY 8–10

Seminar for Section 8 Professionals: Housing Quality Inspections, Seattle, WA. National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials. Contact: Lori Myers-Carpenter, (202) 289–3500.

JULY 11–14

NAHRO Summer Conference, New York, NY. National Association of Housing and Rehabilitation Officials. Contact: Lori Myers-Carpenter, (202) 289–3500.

JULY 12–16

67th Annual Conference and Exposition, New Orleans, LA. National Association of Counties. Contact: Patrick Cokley, (202) 942–4293.

JULY 20–24

Annual Conference, Miami, FL. National Council of La Raza. Contact: (800) 311–6257.

JULY 21–23

Public Participation GIS Conference, New Brunswick, NJ. Urban and Regional Information Systems Association (URISA). Contact: (847) 824–6300.

JULY 22–28

NCSL Annual Meeting and Exhibition, Denver, CO. National Conference of State Legislatures. Contact: (303) 830–2200.

JULY 29–30

Brownfields Workshop 2002, Reno, NV. International Economic Development Council. Contact: Sherri Tuffour, (202) 942–9454.


2002 Annual Meeting, Washington, DC. American Bar Association. Contact:

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