September 58
Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX. National Association of Community Action Agencies. Contact: (202) 2657546.
September 68
Americas Town Meeting, Washington, DC. National Association of Towns and Townships. Contact: (202) 6243550.
September 1013
Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA. Council for Urban Economic Development. Contact: (202) 2234735.
September 1619
Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA. International Downtown Association. Contact: (202) 2934505.
September 1720
Annual Conference, Sun Valley, ID. Council of State Community Development Agencies. Contact: (202) 6243630.
September 1820
PHRA Training for Staff, Kansas City, MO. Office of Public and Indian Housing. Contact: (800) 8762427.
September 2123
Community Building: UNCA Biennial National Conference, Washington, DC. United Neighborhood Centers of America. Contact: (216) 3913028.
September 2527
Housing Washington: Annual Affordable Housing Conference, Spokane, WA.
Washington State Housing Finance Commission. Contact: (360) 3578044.
October 1114
Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA. National Congress for Community Economic Development. Contact: (202) 2345009.
October 1921
Seniors Housing Show, Detroit, MI.
National Association of Home Builders. Contact: (202) 8220474
October 29November 5
2000 National Conference, Phoenix, AZ.
National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials. Contact: (877) 8662476
November 25
ACSP 2000, Atlanta, GS.
Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning. Contact: (850) 9070092