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PD&R, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development - Office of Policy Development and Research
Electronic Resources

A variety of information is available on the Internet concerning community policing and crime prevention.

Community Policing Pages ( is designed for researchers, students, police officers, and community members. This site offers an extensive bibliography and links to articles about community policing.

Community Policing Consortium ( is a partnership of five of the leading police organizations that play a principal role in the development of community policing research, and training and technical assistance. All are firmly committed to the advancement of this policing philosophy.

Community Oriented Policing Services of the U.S. Department of Justice ( offers a wide variety of information pertaining to grant programs and activities, campus workshops, and publications related to community policing.

National Center for Community Policing ( is maintained by Michigan State University and provides links to a series of publications about community policing, training information, and technical assistance.

National Crime Prevention Council ( provides information about local initiatives and neighborhood programs around the country. The site provides school safety resources and additional information on building safer communities.

PolicyLink. Community Centered Policing ( offers A Force for Change, a recent publication of PolicyLink and the Advancement Project, for downloading. The publication covers neighborhood problem solving, community oversight, and collaborative information gathering and sharing.

Note: Internet addresses are subject to change at any time. If you have difficulty with any of these addresses, a search engine may help you find your way.

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