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Upcoming Events

January 12-14
Annual Meeting of the Membership, Palm Beach, FL. National Multi-Housing Council.
Contact: (202) 659-3381.

January 26-29
NCDA Winter Meeting, Washington, DC. National Community Development Association.
Contact: (202) 293-7587.

February 13-15
Washington Briefing, Washington, DC. Council for Urban Economic Development.
Contact: (202) 223-4735.

February 20-23
ABA/BMA National Conference for Community Bankers, Palm Desert, CA.
Contact: (800) 338-0626.

March 3-7
Legislative Conference, Washington, DC. National Association of Counties.
Contact: (202) 393-6226.

March 9-12
Annual Meeting, Key Largo, FL. National Housing and Rehabilitation Association. Contact: (202) 929-1750.

March 14-17
Spring Conference & Exposition, Washington, DC. American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging.
Contact: (202) 588-9441.

March 27-29
Annual Conference, Washington, DC. National Low Income Housing Coalition.
Contact: (202) 622-1530.

March 27-31
Housing and Community Development Executive Education Program, Level 1, University of Maryland-College Park.
Contact: (301) 405-6227.

April 6-9
Annual National Conference, Cleveland, OH. National Association of Planning Councils.
Contact: (214) 342-2638.

April 9-11
Washington Policy Conference, Washington, DC. National Association of Development Organizations.
Contact: (202) 624-7806.

If You Rely on Timely Housing Market Data,
You Need U.S. Housing Market Conditions

This easy-to-use quarterly report draws on a wide range of public and industry sources to present the latest essential data on the U.S. housing market. For example, readers of the third-quarter 1999 issue of U.S. Housing Market Conditions (released November 1999) will learn ...

  • Homeownership reached record high levels in the third quarter, with 67 percent of American households owning their own homes.

  • Housing permits were issued at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1,587,000, down 1 percent from the second quarter and 2 percent from the third quarter of 1998.

  • Multifamily market conditions are steady. Production of multifamily units is generally strong, with permits, starts, and completions up from last quarter.

  • The average price of a new home was $191,900, unchanged from the second quarter but up 4 percent from a year ago. The average price of an existing home rose 2 percent from the second quarter to $172,700 and posted a 7-percent increase from last year.

For indepth, up-to-date information and analyses on housing markets, subscribe to U.S. Housing Market Conditions. For more information, contact HUD USER at (800) 245-2691.

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