CFED Bank On

CFED provided Bank On data at varying geographic scales to HUD/Healthy Housing Solutions for the HCTI pilot cities. Data can be accessed via dropbox. To populate Access to Mainstream Financial Services, pilot cities will need to save the file to their own drive/server before working on it to ensure that data is secure for all of the pilot cities. Once the file has been saved to the pilot city server and/or user computer, it can be manipulated to access pilot city specific information. Please note -- CFED attempted to provide accurate information for each city, but if census tracts are missing for whatever reason, please let us know and we will work with CFED to get the full list.

To create the data set needed for Access to Mainstream Financial Services:
1. Clear any unnecessary rows (i.e., any rows/census tracts not relevant to your specific city).
2. Columns needed to compute variable:
"tractfipsfinal" the geographic ID (this column provides the code in text format which will keep the number intact when saved as a cvs file)
"count" provides number of households in the census tract
"un" provides the percentage of unbanked households
"under" provides the percentage of underbanked households
3. Since the variable is the percentage of un- and under-banked households, the household count must be multiplied by the percentage of each to arrive at a number for both measures. Add the two to determine the combined count of un- and under-banked households; divide by the total household count to arrive at the percentage of un- and underbanked households in the census tract.