OUP - 2010 DDRG Winners
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Grantee: Jocelyn Apicello, The Trustees of Columbia University
Grant Amount: $24,765
Dissertation Title: Gentrification and Healthy Habitats in New York City: 1990 to Present

Grantee: Justin Betz, Northeastern University
Grant Amount: $24,960
Dissertation Title: Explaining Racial Differences in Housing Choice Voucher Wait Times

Grantee: Lynette Boswell, University of Maryland
Grant Amount: $25,000
Dissertation Title: Do Neighborhood Housing Market Typologies Matter? Measuring the Impacts of the HOME Partnership Program Investments in Baltimore, Maryland

Grantee: James Connolly, The Trustees of Columbia University
Grant Amount: $25,000
Dissertation Title: Processes of Institutional Change in Urban Environmental Policy

Grantee: Corina Graif, The President and Fellows of Harvard College
Grant Amount: $25,000
Dissertation Title: Mobility in Isolation: Neighborhood Effects, Spatial Embeddedness, and Inequality in the Migration Pathways of the Urban Poor

Grantee: Catherine Guimond, Regents of the University of California
Grant Amount: $24,505
Dissertation Title: Contested Renewal: The Rebuilding of the South Bronx

Grantee: Abbilyn Harmon, Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois
Grant Amount: $24,998
Dissertation Title: Determining Critical Factors in Community-Level Planning of Homeless Service Projects

Grantee: Keren Horn, New York University
Grant Amount: $25,000
Dissertation Title: School Quality, Neighborhoods, and Household Residential Decisions

Grantee: William Larson, The George Washington University
Grant Amount: $14,500
Dissertation Title: Evaluating Alternative Methods of Forecasting House Prices: A Post-Crisis Reassessment

Grantee: Wanda Liebermann, The President and Fellows of Harvard College
Grant Amount: $25,000
Dissertation Title: Body Building: Architectural Narratives of Ability and Disability

Grantee: Anne Martin, Regents of the University of California
Grant Amount: $25,000
Dissertation Title: After Foreclosure: The Social and Spatial Reconstruction of Everyday Lives in the San Francisco Bay Area

Grantee: Benjamin Roth, University of Chicago
Grant Amount: $25,000
Dissertation Title: Immigration Integration in Two Chicago Suburbs: Barriers and Strategies Among the Mexican Second Generation

Grantee: Jamie Taylor, The New School
Grant Amount: $25,000
Dissertation Title: Housing Assistance as a Work Support for Households Experiencing Homelessness

Grantee: Hannah Thomas, Brandeis University
Grant Amount: $25,000
Dissertation Title: Foreclosure Sales Through the Eyes of Real Estate Agents in Boston: An Institutional Ethnography

Grantee: Catherine Vu, The Regents of the University of California
Grant Amount: $25,000
Dissertation Title: Organizational Characteristics and Ethnic Minority Access to Human Services: What Is the Real Relationship?

Grantee: Laurie Walker, Colorado Seminary, University of Denver
Grant Amount: $11,547
Dissertation Title: Public Housing Resident Engagement and Transition

Grantee: Alyssa Whitby Chamberlain, Regents of the University of California
Grant Amount: $24,725
Dissertation Title: Community Change and Recidivism: The Interrelationship Between Neighborhood Ecology and Prisoner Reintegration


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