Goal 1: Strengthen the Nation’s Housing Market To Bolster the Economy and Protect Consumers

1A. Stem the foreclosure crisis
1B. Protect and educate consumers when they buy, refinance, or rent a home
1C. Create financially sustainable homeownership opportunities
1D. Establish an accountable and sustainable housing finance system

Goal 2: Meet the Need for Quality Affordable Rental Homes

2A. End homelessness and substantially reduce the number of families and individuals with severe housing needs
2B. Expand the supply of affordable rental homes where they are most needed
2C. Preserve the affordability and improve the quality of federally assisted and private unassisted affordable rental homes
2D. Expand families’ choices of affordable rental homes located in a broad range

Goal 3: Utilize Housing as a Platform for Improving Quality of Life

3A. Utilize HUD assistance to improve educational outcomes and early learning and development
3B. Utilize HUD assistance to improve health outcomes
3D. Utilize HUD assistance to improve housing stability through supportive services for vulnerable populations, including the elderly, people with disabilities, homeless people, and those individuals and families at risk of becoming homeless
3E. Utilize HUD assistance to improve public safety

Goal 4: Build Inclusive and Sustainable Communities Free From Discrimination

4A. Catalyze economic development and job creation, while enhancing and preserving community assets
3C. Utilize HUD assistance to increase economic security and self sufficiency
4B. Promote energy-efficient buildings and location efficient communities that are healthy, affordable, and diverse
4C. Ensure open, diverse, and equitable communities of communities
4D. Facilitate disaster preparedness, recovery, and resiliency
4E. Build the capacity of local, state, and regional public and private organizations

Goal 5: Transform the Way HUD Does Business

5A. Build capacity—create a flexible and high-performing learning organization with a motivated, skilled workforce
5B. Focus on results—create an empowered organization that is customer centered, place based, collaborative, and responsive to employee and stakeholder feedback
5C. Bureaucracy busting—create flexible, modern rules and systems that promote responsiveness, openness, and transparency
5D. Culture change—create a healthy, open, flexible work environment that reflects the values of HUD’s mission