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Affordable Housing Through Regulatory Reform: Toolkits

Reports & Publications

Jacksonville, Florida: Affordable and Workforce Housing Task Force Report

In April 2006, the City Council President appointed a City Council Taskforce on Affordable and Workforce Housing which began meeting to study three specific areas:

  • Leveraging the availability of City-owned land to spur affordable housing production;

  • Furthering existing and establishing new city partnerships with both with not-for-profit and for-profit developers to bring affordable housing to the market; and

  • Identifying and making recommendations about legislative and regulatory barriers to the development of affordable housing

Their recommendations were initially issued in December 2006, and updated in May 2007 and February 2008.

Among other initiatives to expand the supply of affordable housing for Jacksonville’s citizens, an inventory of city-owned land that may be used for the furtherance of affordable housing was assembled. While a specific disposition process was not articulated in the legislation, HB 1363 states that the inventoried properties may be sold with the proceeds applied to permanent affordable housing initiatives or otherwise made available for permanent affordable housing development, or if already improved, redevelopment. The deadline for assembling the list for approval from the City of Jacksonville's City Council was June 30, 2007. The enabling legislation is 2007-656-E.
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The City of Jacksonville recognized this need in 1997 by passing Ordinance 1997-14-E. This bill established a system to donate property to not for profit corporations for residential housing for low/moderate individuals. The not for profit corporations included in this bill are Habit for Humanity of Jacksonville, Inc. and Community Housing Development Organizations.

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