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Affordable Housing Through Regulatory Reform: Task Force

Reports & Publications

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development: State Actions for Affordable Housing

This document, from 1982, introduces the issue of state actions by saying that states have a number of housing objectives, some of which may conflict. The document is organized into five categories; actions to identify problems, actions to contain land costs, actions to reduce material and labor costs, action to assist finance and actions involving tax incentives.

In the first section the author then describes actions states have taken to identify problems. Some of these actions include forming housing task forces or hosting housing conferences. Those who attended a conference in Colorado identified inconsistent code interpretation, large lot zoning, restrictive infrastructure requirements and tap fees as problems that needed to be addressed. States also address issues by developing housing needs and policy analyses, making awards for effective cost cutting programs, and information and technical assistance.

The document also describes a number of state actions to contain the increasing costs of land and site improvements. Some of these actions include enacting state enabling statutes that permit local governments to allow density bonus programs, smaller minimum lot sizes and accessory apartment units.

The document also describes a number of programs to streamline the permit process. The author also identifies a number of actions to reduce material and labor costs. In this section the author reviews building codes, modular housing codes, rehabilitation codes and labor relations and wages. In addition the author also discusses a number of tax incentives states can use to promote affordable housing. These include production and rehabilitation tax abatements, and mobile home real property tax revisions.

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