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Affordable Housing Through Regulatory Reform: Toolkits

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Tacoma, Washington: Housing Task Force

At the direction of Mayor Bill Baarsma, a task force of citizens and city staff was organized to reduce and eliminate barriers to affordable housing and identify incentives that would help retain and create affordable housing opportunities. In October 2007, the task force presented its findings and recommendations to the Neighborhoods and Housing Committee, chaired by the mayor. The 15 recommendations included: encouraging mixed-income housing developments; providing additional subsidies for well-designed, safe developments; exploring guidelines regarding densities and dispersals; reducing parking requirements; offering financial incentives to affordable housing developers, especially mixed-income development; streamlining the permitting process; and reducing the cost of permits. The Neighborhoods and Housing Committee currently has these recommendations under review.

The committee is now working with, fellow NCA member, Pierce County, Washington to develop ideas can be replicated and implement in Tacoma.

For more information on Tacoma's efforts contact: Richard Teasley at or (253) 591-5238.

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