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Affordable Housing Through Regulatory Reform: Toolkits

Equitable Development Toolkit

Issues included in this toolkit are related to the development and administration of inclusionary zoning ordinances. Topics include: what is inclusionary zoning, why use it, how to use it, financing, keys to success, challenges, policy, tools in action and resources. In each topic area, the authors discuss the general issue and present specific concepts that planners should take into account as they consider an inclusionary zoning ordinance. For example, in the keys to success section the writer identifies key players in the decision-making process, factors contributing to success and challenges proponents face as they attempt to enact inclusionary ordinances. The final section contains reference material including legislation from California; Massachusetts; Minnesota; New Jersey; Montgomery County, Maryland; Bolder, Colorado; and Santa Fe, New Mexico.

To view the inclusionary zoning ordinance discussion, click on Controlling Development and then click on Inclusionary Zoning under Development Tools section.

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