After developing a series of recommendations for reducing
regulatory barriers, taskforces in Burlington, Vermont; Columbus,
Ohio; and Dallas, Texas established mechanisms to measure
their local government’s implementation of these recommendations.
The means the taskforce proposed for evaluating the effectiveness
of these reforms included organizing annual meetings, establishing
standards for measuring performance, and creating a monitoring
committee for reviewing performance.
This article is the third in a series about affordable housing
taskforces and the monitoring process. Published in October
2004, the first article reported on administrative streamlining,
building codes, infill, and development fee reform efforts.
The December 2004 article discussed reforms associated with
zoning regulations, tax policies, and state policies. Today,
we’ll look at developing scorecards – a means
of more objectively measuring how far you’ve come.
Annual Meetings
At the most basic level, it can be useful to simply assemble
the players on a regular basis to benchmark progress and plan
for the future. Subscribers to this approach include the Burlington
taskforce, which suggested that the city hold an annual meeting
of homebuilders, rental property owners, and developers to
discuss the city’s implementation of the taskforce’s
Creating a Scorecard
taskforce members thought that they needed to establish specific
standards against which progress and programs could be measured.
As part of their original study, they formed a specific work
group to create a scorecard with baselines, benchmarks, and
performance targets. The taskforce also recommended that the
city have a standardized data collection system in each city
department or agency. While it recognized that this might
be difficult, the taskforce suggested that the city focus
on standardizing the existing data, and on collecting new
data in the near future. They also suggest that all departments
collect data by the same geographic area, so that the authorities
can compare the data. They recommend that the city collect
information in four areas: housing conditions, homeownership,
rental housing, and employment-generated housing demand. Some
of the taskforce’s metrics are listed below.
Housing condition measurements
Number and location of units repaired
Number and location of vacant structures and lots
Systematic field surveys of housing condition
Number of absentee landlords
Homeownership measurements
Percent of new residential building permits for owner/renter
Affordable new home construction
New single-family homes built in the Columbus Public School
New single-family homes built in the older City of Columbus
Purchasers assisted with downpayment assistance and special
loan products
Homeownership rate
Change in tenure of existing owner units
Rental housing measurements
Number and location of new affordable rental units developed
Gain/loss of subsidized rentals and rental assistance
Rental housing vacancy rates
New rental units in the development pipeline
Employment-generated housing demand measurements
Ratio of new affordable owner and renter units developed
to new jobs created
Oversight of the Scorecard
Members of the Dallas taskforce took the concept of measuring success
in implementing the recommendations one step further. While
the Dallas taskforce suggested using fewer metrics to measure
success, they found a need for a specific permanent body to
review the information collected and make further recommendations.
The Dallas taskforce recommendations focus on the goals of
increasing the homeownership rate and increasing production
of affordable housing units. Considering these goals, the
taskforce suggested three types of data to collect and report.
They identify the homeownership rate by comparing owner-occupied
households with total households in the City of Dallas. They
suggest that the authorities report annually on Community
Housing Development Organizations’ (CHDOs) production
of single- and multifamily housing and any development organization’s
production of affordable workforce housing.
In an effort to maintain accountability and implementation
of the recommendations, the taskforce agreed to form a committee
to work with the appropriate city department directors. They
also suggested that the committee meet quarterly to evaluate
how well the recommendations are being implemented
Three communities‘ housing taskforces determined that
follow-up and continued review of affordable housing were
necessary for successful implementation. Burlington considers
a periodic meeting of those involved in the process to be
sufficient. Columbus and Dallas are collecting information
to measure success, and the Dallas taskforce plans to establish
a committee to meet with specific city officials to discuss
progress on previously established quantifiable objectives.
If your community has an implementation strategy, we’d
like to hear about it. Call us at 800-245-2691, option 4 or
send us an email at
Wisconsin Grapples with Property
Tax Exemptions for Affordable Rental Housing
For the last 18 months, policymakers, tax experts, and non-profit
housing providers have been grappling with the impacts of
a Wisconsin Supreme Court decision that voided property tax
exemptions for affordable rental housing developments. These
efforts provide useful guidance to others as they attempt
to reform property tax exemption statutes to benefit housing
for low- and moderate-income households.
Columbus Park Housing Corporation v. City of
In November 2003, the Wisconsin Supreme Court held that a
benevolent association which leased property to tenants lost
the ability to claim that the property was exempt from property
taxes. In the Columbus Park Housing Corporation v. City of
Kenosha, the city argued that the owner of certain rental
property in the city had to meet three conditions in order
for the property to be eligible for a property tax exemption.
The property would be exempt if the occupant owned the property,
rather than renting (referred to as the lessee identity condition);
that the owner used all of the income for maintenance or debt
retirement; and that the owner did not discriminate on the
basis of race. The court held that because the tenants would
not be entitled to a tax exemption if they owned the land,
then the benevolent association that leased the property to
the tenants also was not entitled to the exemption.
Legislative Reforms in 2004
In response to the Court’s decision, several legislators
introduced Senate Bill 512 to eliminate the lessee identity
condition, provided that the property is residential housing
and the owner uses all of the lease income for maintenance
or debt reduction. The original bill also contained a sunset
provision, effective January 1, 2006. According to a staff
report on the bill’s public hearings, most of the discussion
centered on whether the tax exemption should be limited to
property serving low- or moderate-income families (known as
a means test) and whether the sunset should be removed. Again,
according to the report, those commenting on the bill thought
that a means test was a worthwhile idea, but that there was
not time to craft such an amendment. The final legislation,
2003 Wisconsin Act 195, deleted the sunset provision, contained
no means test, and became effective in April 2004.
Reform Efforts Continue in 2005
The 2004 legislation also directed the Special Committee
on Tax Exemptions for Residential Property to consider further
reform measures. During the public discussions on property
tax exemptions, the need for assistance to affordable housing
was only one of many issues that concern stakeholders and
decision makers. Owners of nursing homes, homes for the disabled,
benevolent lodges, and others who own property that may or
may not qualify for a tax exemption have offered suggestions
for improvement. In addition, the Wisconsin Association of
Assessing Officers made recommendations on the administration
of these exemptions. After hearing from various interest groups,
staff of the committee crafted legislation that would allow
certain types of property to qualify for the tax exemption
automatically. Other types of property owned by these beneficial
associations also would qualify but only under certain circumstances.
Owners of…
Nursing homes;
Community based residential facilities;
Adult family homes;
Residential care complexes;
Domestic abuse shelters;
Shelters for the homeless;
Housing for low-income persons that complies with section
3 of IRS revenue procedure 96-32; and
Residential facilities that provide alcohol or other drug
abuse services…
…would receive automatic property tax exemptions.
Residential property owned by a benevolent association that
does not meet the criteria listed above might still qualify
for an exemption under a new section (i). However, the proposed
legislation requires that such properties have a value of
less than a specified amount and must apply for an exemption
each year. Owners of such residential property are also required
to pay for municipal services if at least one of the occupants
is not below a certain income threshold.
Allowing property tax exemptions for affordable housing might
seem like a simple concept. In Wisconsin, however, many owners
had property that qualified for the exemption and wished to
maintain that benefit. Others who did not qualify sought to
be included. Those who administered the statute examined the
administrative demand that the new draft legislation would
place on local assessors. Those who attempt to modify or reform
these tax benefits must consider the full range of competing
needs. For more information on the Wisconsin property tax
exemption debate, see
Boise, Idaho and New Hampshire
Housing Aid Applicants Applying for HUD Funding
Two bonus points doesn’t sound like much, but for a
community seeking HUD’s discretionary funding, those
points can make a big difference. Staff at the City of Boise,
Idaho and at the New Hampshire Housing (NHH) helped applicants
apply for the bonus points available to applicants who can
demonstrate a tangible commitment to affordable housing through
regulatory reform by completing a questionnaire developed
by HUD’s America’s Affordable Communities Initiative.
All HUD competitive award programs include “bonus point“
or ‘incentive criteria’. In its April
21, 2004 announcement, the Department established two
sets of questions regarding regulatory barriers that could
lead to one or two bonus points, based on the number of questions
answered affirmatively. The first set of questions, known
as Part A, is for local jurisdictions, counties exercising
land use and building regulatory authority, and others applying
for projects located in such jurisdictions or counties. The
second set of questions, known as Part B, is for state applicants,
as well as those applying from unincorporated areas. Both
sets of questions allow applicants to score up to two extra
points in the scoring matrix. HUD added bonus points to its
grant application process to recognize communities and states
that are actively reducing or eliminating state and local
government regulations that impede the creation of affordable
housing. To receive the points, applicants describe the reforms
that have been undertaken by the local or state government
on the application form for the Notification of Funding Availability
City of Boise, Idaho
Gary Hanes, Community Development Coordinator with the City
of Boise, Idaho, saw an opportunity to help organizations
located within the City be more competitive in the NOFA funding
round. He asked the City's Planning and Development Services
Department to answer the Part A questions. Staff then placed
the completed Part A document on the portion of the City's
Web site devoted to a "Grantee Toolbox". Hanes then
contacted local fair housing and homeless organizations, and
the housing authority, to inform them of the posted document
and to enlist their aid in sharing that information with other
potential applicants. At least three applicants used the information
from the City to increase the likelihood that their applications
would be approved and funded.
New Hampshire
The New Hampshire Housing (NHH) serves as the state’s
lead agency for HUD’s Consolidated Plan. As such, applicants
ask the Agency to provide them with a letter indicating that
the activity proposed by the applicant is consistent with
the State’s Consolidated Plan. According to Bill Guinther,
Program Planning Analyst with NHH, “Agency staff considered
that making their completed Part
B questionnaire available to other applicants was an extension
of their leadership role as both the State Housing Agency
and Consolidated Plan lead agency.” He went on to say,
“They were also aware that many grant applicants, although
experts in their own fields, were not particularly well-informed
about the state’s actions to remove regulatory barriers,
and had some concerns that potentially incomplete and conflicting
responses to Part B could negatively impact the competitiveness
of New Hampshire’s grant applications.”
Mr. Guinther said that it took approximately four hours to
research and complete the sections of the questionnaire that
they could answer affirmatively. He estimated that the Agency’s
work saved applicants a day or longer in application preparation
time, and provided them with a more accurate and concise response.
He also estimated that approximately 30 applicants in the
non-entitlement areas requested the incentive bonus points.
Typical Answers
An example of the Part
A application, available on the Boise Web site, contains
detailed answers and supporting information. For example,
in response to question one, “Does your jurisdiction’s
comprehensive plan include a housing element?” staff
responds by citing the Idaho statute that regulates the housing
element portion of the comprehensive plan. They also include
a link to the appropriate legislation.
In response to question five concerning impact fees, Boise
included the code citation and the link to the local legislation
authorizing the use of impact fees. For question six, which
asks about an ordinance that establishes a relationship between
the impact fee and the development, staff discusses how to
estimate the impact of the development on the community and
therefore the amount of impact fee that can be charged to
the development. If Boise had not undertaken an activity listed
in the scoring matrix, staff also answered those questions
so applicants would know not to claim credit for those activities.
NHH provides answers to only those questions that could result
in the state or unincorporated areas’ securing the bonus
points. For example, in response to question six concerning
technical assistance to local governments, staff indicates
that the state offers training conferences and online training
on a number of issues, including identification of regulatory
barriers and removal strategies. They include Web links to
both the technical assistance programs and to the online materials
and also provide a name and number for those interested in
contacting NHH. They also identify a specific State publication
that addresses regulatory barriers and provides a link to
the document. In response to questions seven and eight concerning
impact fees, the staff cites the specific enabling legislation
for local impact fees and provides a link to the state statute.
The City of Boise and the NHH recognized the importance of
the two bonus points being offered as part of the incentive
criteria developed by the America’s Affordable Communities
Initiative at HUD. They chose to assist applicants securing
these points by completing all or a portion of the incentive
criteria questionnaire. If your state or community took part
in a similar exercise, we’d appreciate hearing about
it. Please tell us about your experience by writing to
or by calling us at 1-800-245-2691.
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