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RRR logo Order Form -- January 1999

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Building Technology Price Quantity Total

Commentary on the Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing, 2nd ed.
Provides the background, engineering assumptions, methods, and detailed calculations for Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing, 2nd ed. April (ACCN-HUD8522)
The Performance of Perforated Shear Walls with Narrow Wall Segments, Reduced Base Restraint, and Alternative Framing Methods
Summarizes previous tests of this method and presents the results of additional tests. October (ACCN-HUD8540)
Prescriptive Method for Insulating Concrete Forms in Residential Construction
Offers HUD guidance on insulating concrete forms based on research conducted by the National Association of Home Builders. November (ACCN-HUD8524)
Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing, 2nd ed.
Offers updated HUD guidance on residential steel framing based on research conducted by the National Association of Home Builders. April (ACCN-HUD8528)
Rehab Guide: Foundations
Focuses on approaches to rehabilitating foundations with special attention given to energy efficiency, accessible design, and sustainability. This is the first part of a nine-volume series devoted to distinct elements of the house. April (ACCN-HUD8590)
Community and Econmonic Development
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research Volume 3, Issue 3: Emerging Issues in Urban Development
Includes articles calling for cities to adapt to the information age by implementing pragmatic policies to benefit from social, economic, and technological changes. May (ACCN-HUD8621)
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research Volume 4, Issue 2: Racially and Ethnically Diverse Urban Neighborhoods
Discusses 14 racially and ethnically diverse urban neighborhoods in 9 U.S. cities. December (ACCN-HUD 8639)
Colleges & Communities: Partners in Urban Revitalization
Reports on HUD's Community Outreach Partnership Centers (COPC) program. Describes the benefits of university-community partnerships and reviews dozens of COPC activities. August (ACCN-HUD8533)
The Effects of Environmental Hazards and Regulation on Urban Redevelopment
Gives insight into some of the most basic issues confronting brownfields policy. Examines the relative importance of environmental risk versus neighborhood economic distress as deterrents to neighborhood redevelopment. May (ACCN-HUD8614)
Redeveloping Brownfields: How States and Localities Use CDBG Funds
Surveys States and urban areas that receive CDBG funds about their awareness, involvement, and technical assistance needs in this area. November (ACCN-HUD8634)
The State of the Cities 1998
Documents the need for the comprehensive urban agenda President Clinton presented to Congress in his proposed fiscal year 1999 Federal budget. August (ACCN-HUD8555)
Sustaining Urban Excellence: Learning from the Rudy Bruner Award for Urban Excellence 1987-1993
Highlights conclusions drawn from revisits to 21 urban places that were finalists and winners of the Rudy Bruner Award several years earlier. June (ACCN-HUD8523)
Finance and Homeownership
Building Innovation for Homeownership
Recognizes 63 award-winning housing projects that use innovative techniques to help reduce construction costs and lower the costs of homeownership. November (ACCN-HUD8630)
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research Volume 4, Issue 1: Multifamily Financing
Examines the rise of nontraditional multifamily lenders and their effects on affordable housing. June (ACCN-8517)
Housing Finance Working Paper Series
Characteristics of Mortgages Purchased by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, 1993-95
Examines mortgages purchased by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in the conventional secondary mortgage market. Focuses on borrower, locational, and loan characteristics. May (ACCN-HUD8612)
The GSEs' Funding of Affordable Loans
Compares mortgages originating in the conventional loan market with mortgages retained in portfolios by banks and thrifts. May (ACCN-HUD7713)
The Multifamily Secondary Mortgage Market: The Role of Government-Sponsored Enterprises
Evaluates Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's effectiveness and potential to enhance the liquidity and efficiency of the affordable, multifamily mortgage market. May (ACCN-HUD7712)
Making Homeownership a Reality: Survey of Habitat for Humanity International Homeowners and Affiliates
Presents key findings from a survey of Habitat homeowners dealing with affordability and the benefits of homeownership. May (ACCN-HUD8508)
Testing for Discrimination in Home Insurance Final Report
Examines the amount of coverage and the prices paid for housing insurance by first-time homebuyers in moderate-income neighborhoods in New York and Phoenix. May (Reproduction, ACCN-HUD8610)
Housing Affordability
A National Survey of Rehabilitation Enforcement Practices
Code Enforcement practices vary in different jurisdictions depending on the building model code used. Includes case studies, innovative approaches, and reasons for failure of rehabilitation codes. August (ACCN-HUD8539
Rental Housing Assistance -- The Crisis Continues
Analyzes "worst case" housing needs among American families with the lowest incomes and Federal Government efforts to create more affordable housing opportunities for these households. May (ACCN-HUD8604)
Markets and Demographics
1998 Income Limits for "Low-Income" and "Very-Low-Income" Families Under the Housing Act of 1937
Lists family size and income eligibility limits for Federally assisted housing. March
National Hard Copy (ACCN-DOC2700) $20.00____________
National Diskette (ACCN-AVI0080) $20.00____________
State Hard Copy (ACCN-DOC2701)
Specify State(s): __________
Characteristics of New Housing: 1997
Presents comprehensive information on selected physical and financial characteristics of new housing. October (ACCN-HUD8518)
Estimated Median Family Incomes for Fiscal Year 1998
Lists annually adjusted estimates of the decile distribution of family income in every county, metropolitan statistical area (MSA), and primary MSA in the United States. March
National (ACCN-DOC2800) $20.00____________
State (ACCN-DOC2801)
Specify State(s): __________
1998 Area Definitions (ACCN-BRO113) $10.00____________
Shares practical information on noteworthy housing and community development programs and resources. 1-year subscription of six bimonthly issues (ACCN-HUD7196)
Urban Research Monitor
Cites new publications recently added to HUD USER's database of housing and urban research. 1-year subscription of six bimonthly issues (ACCN-HUD7195)
U.S. Housing Market Conditions
Presents essential up-to-date data on housing and housing markets from government and industry sources. 1-year subscription of four quarterly issues (ACCN-HUD7492)
Public and Assisted Housing
Case Studies of Vouchered-Out Properties
Shows that residents of subsidized projects can be relocated successfully using tenant-based, Section 8 assistance in several cities including Baltimore, Kansas City, Newport News, and San Francisco. August (ACCN-HUD8531)
A Picture of Subsidized Households
A Picture of Subsidized Households in 1996: Supplement on Incomes & Household Members
Provides data tables based on housing agencies that reported tenant data. (Reproduction, ACCN-HUD8632)
A Picture of Subsidized Households in 1997: U.S. Totals & Agencies With Over 500 Units
Presents summary statistics by program type for the United States as a whole and for each State, public, or Indian Housing agency, project, and census tract. Updates the 1996 11-volume series. January (Reproduction, ACCN-HUD8562)
A Picture of Subsidized Households in 1998: United States Summaries
Provides data on subsidized housing units nationally and by State, program, agency, and census tract. November (Reproduction, ACCN-HUD8626)
A Picture of Subsidized Households in 1998: Supplement on Incomes & Household Members
Provides data tables based on housing agencies that reported tenant data. (ACCN-HUD8633)
Welfare Reform Impacts on the Public Housing Program: A Preliminary Forecast
Examines the implications of welfare reform for public housing authorities in California, Ohio, Texas, and Virginia. April (ACCN-HUD8507)
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