Recent Research Results
RRR logo The State of the Nation's Rural Housing

The Housing Assistance Council (HAC), a national nonprofit corporation in Washington, D.C., has been helping local organizations build affordable homes for rural Americans since 1971. HAC recently released Rural Housing and Welfare Reform: HAC's 1997 Report on the State of the Nation's Rural Housing ($6).

This new report, funded by HUD, finds that most rural welfare recipients work hard but remain in poverty. Other recent HAC publications funded by HUD include:

Housing Counseling in Rural America ($7).

Housing for Families and Unaccompanied Migrant Farmworkers ($4).

Linking Rural Housing and Social Services: Case Studies ($5).

Mobility and Economic Self-Sufficiency of Section 8 Participants in Rural Areas ($4.50).

The Self-Help Housing Development Process in Rural Areas ($3).

Utilizing the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit For Rural Rental Projects: A Guide for Nonprofit Developers ($6).

To order a publication, visit the HAC website at or call (202) 842-8600. Orders must be prepaid.

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