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New Lead Paint Training Kit Available

The latest in a series of best-selling instructional materials from the Environmental Protection Agency was recently released. The Lead-Based Paint Risk Assessment Model Curriculum is designed to prepare individuals who have already completed EPA's Lead-Based Paint Inspector course or an equivalent for certification as lead paint risk assessors. To date, approximately 18 States have lead inspector programs, 11 of which also have risk assessor programs.

The 2-day course, which follows the protocol of HUD's recently released Guidelines for the Evaluation and Control of Lead-Based Paint Hazards in Housing, covers a wide range of practical information that includes:

The training kit includes all materials necessary to conduct the class: an instructor manual, student manual, over 400 slides and transparencies, and sample classroom exercises. A training video demonstrating sampling techniques is available separately for $20. The Lead-Based Paint Risk Assessment Model Curriculum is now available from HUD USER for $330 (including UPS postage).

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