The order form inside includes a brief description of each document. The month noted at the end of each entry refers to the issue of RRR in which more detailed information on that publication may be found.
![]() Please use this form to order the documents listed on the following pages. |
JANUARY 1997 |
Please print this form and indicate the requested number of copies in the column marked Quantity, multiply by the per copy cost indicated under Price, and enter the total cost for each item. Add these to determine the Total Due HUD USER. |
Assisted Housing/Section 8 | Price | Quantity | Total |
Assisted Housing Quality Control Analyzes a national sample of public and assisted housing rents to determine if actual rents paid reflect correct use of HUD rent calculation guidelines. September (ACCNHUD7219) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Expanding Housing Choices for HUD-Assisted Families: Moving to OpportunityReports on initial progress and preliminary results in implementing the Moving to Opportunity for Fair Housing demonstration. September (ACCNHUD7157) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Learning from Each Other: New Ideas for Managing the Section 8 Certificate and Voucher Programs Illustrates a variety of innovative strategies that housing authorities have introduced to improve their tenant-based assistance programs. December (ACCNHUD7341) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Rental Housing Assistance at a Crossroads: A Report to Congress on Worst Case Housing Needs Documents "worst case" housing needs and their implications for Federal housing assistance policies. May (ACCNHUD7009) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Building Technology | Price | Quantity | Total |
Commentary on the Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing Provides the background, engineering assumptions and methods, and detailed calculations for following the Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing. September (ACCNHUD7201) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
HUD Rehabilitation Guidelines for Multi-Family Dwellings Explains how to increase the energy efficiency of multifamily residential properties. Includes diskette. (ACCNHUD7481) | $10.00 | ________ | $________ |
HUD Rehabilitation Guidelines for One-to-Four Family Dwellings Explains how to increase the energy efficiency of one-to-four-family residential properties. Includes diskette. (ACCNHUD7480) | $10.00 | ________ | $________ |
Innovative Rehabilitation TechnologiesA State of the Art Overview Describes innovative rehabilitation technologies for building envelopes, plumbing, heating/ventilation, interior finishes, tools and equipment, accessibility, and hazardous materials abatement. March (ACCNHUD6980) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Innovative Structural Systems for Home Construction: Wood Structural Insulated Panels and Insulating Concrete Forms Identifies two promising building technologies and recommends actions to accelerate their acceptance. January (ACCNHUD6853) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Prescriptive Method for Residential Cold-Formed Steel Framing Offers the first-ever HUD guidance on residential steel framing. September (ACCNHUD7200) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Steel Framed Residential Construction: Demonstration Homes Documents experience with steel framing in two demonstration homes. January (ACCNHUD6852) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
The Status of Building Regulations for Housing Rehabilitation Describes three model codes and their enforcement, highlighting the experiences of three States. March (ACCNHUD6981) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Community Planning/Urban Development | Price | Quantity | Total |
Communities at Work: Addressing the Urban Challenge Features case studies of innovative community-based initiatives recognized by the National Excellence Awards for Habitat II. July (ACCNHUD7171) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Secondary Markets for City-Owned CDBG Loans Examines the potential for developing secondary markets to improve the liquidity of CDBG rehabilitation loans. April (ACCNHUD6554) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
University-Community Partnerships: Current Practices Documents 180 initiatives that are revitalizing neighborhoods and creating opportunities. March (ACCNHUD6930) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Homeownership | Price | Quantity | Total |
An Analysis of FHA's Single Family Insurance Program Frames the continuing debate over the future of FHA and its single-family mortgage insurance program. June (ACCNHUD7017) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Evaluation of the HOPE 3 Program: Final Report Examines how the program has increased low-income homeownership, built nonprofit capacity, and located new funding sources. October (ACCNHUD7298) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Providing Alternatives to Mortgage Foreclosure: A Report to Congress Reviews current foreclosure laws and practices, and cites areas for continued improvement. October (ACCNHUD7323) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Housing for Special Needs | Price | Quantity | Total |
Baseline Comparison Report: Congregate Housing Services Program (CHSP) and HOPE for Elderly Independence Demonstration Program (HOPE IV) Compares characteristics of participants and management in two HUD elderly housing/services programs. (ACCNHUD7581) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Evaluation of the HOPE for Elderly Independence Demonstration Program: Second Interim Report Presents initial data on a sample of participants in this program to link rental assistance and supportive services for low-income, frail elderly persons. December (ACCNHUD7319) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Evaluation of the New Congregate Housing Services Program: Second Interim Report Describes initial data on the implementation and beneficiaries of a program that uses cost sharing to combine housing assistance with community-based supportive services for elderly and disabled persons in HUD-assisted housing. (ACCNHUD7472) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Evaluation of the Service Coordinator Program Examines a sample of Service Coordinator grantees to describe funded projects and beneficiaries, assess resident satisfaction, and document implementation experiences. December Volume I: Study Findings (ACCNHUD7316) Volume II: Case Studies (ACCNHUD7317) |
$5.00 $5.00 |
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$________ $________ |
Evaluation of Supportive Housing Programs for Persons with Disabilities Assesses the effectiveness of HUD's Section 202, Section 162, and Section 811 programs in meeting the needs of persons with disabilities. June Volume I: Findings (ACCNHUD7032) Volume II: Case Studies and Technical Appendices (ACCNHUD7033) |
$5.00 $5.00 |
________ ________ |
$________ $________ |
Homes for Everyone: Universal Design Principles in Practice Showcases 16 single-family dwellings that exemplify the principles of universal design. November (ACCNHUD7338) | $15.00 | ________ | $________ |
Residential Remodeling and Universal Design: Making Homes More Comfortable and Accessible Provides technical guidance on selecting and installing universal design features during home remodeling or renovation. September (ACCNHUD7197) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Housing Policy | Price | Quantity | Total |
Implementing Block Grants for Housing: An Evaluation of the First Year of HOME Explores the choices States and localities made in selecting low-income housing projects for their initial HOME allocations. May (ACCNHUD6814) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Privatization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Desirability and Feasibility Evaluates options for privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, but recommends against them. September (ACCNHUD7215) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Studies on Privatizing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Offers commentary on the likely effects of privatizing the Nation's largest secondary mortgage market institutions. July (ACCNHUD7144) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Markets and Demographics | Price | Quantity | Total |
American Housing Survey Metropolitan Area Studies 1994 Details housing characteristics of selected metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) surveyed every 4 years. October Anaheim-Santa Ana (ACCNHUD7186) Buffalo (ACCNHUD7185) Fort Worth-Arlington (ACCNHUD7141) Milwaukee (ACCNHUD7188) Riverside-San Bernadino-Ontario (ACCNHUD7189) San Diego (ACCNHUD7187) |
$5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 |
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$________ $________ $________ $________ $________ $________ |
Development and Analysis of the National Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Database Reviews data quality and presents analyses of project-level data. September (ACCNHUD7306) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Estimated Median Family Incomes for Fiscal Year 1996 Lists annually adjusted estimates of the decile distribution of family income in every county, MSA, and primary MSA in the United States. National (ACCNDOC2200) State (ACCNDOC2201) |
$20.00 $5.00 |
________ ________ |
$________ $________ |
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Database Provides the first project-level examination of LIHTC production. Contains data from 1987 to 1994. September (ACCNAVI0060) | $10.00 | ________ | $________ |
State of the Nation's Cities: America's Changing Urban Life Provides comprehensive socio-economic descriptors and analysis for 77 American cities. (ACCNHUD7160) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
1996 Income Limits for "Low-Income" and "Very Low-Income" Families Under the Housing Act of 1937 Lists by family size and income eligibility limits for federally assisted housing. National (ACCNDOC2300) State (ACCNDOC2301) specify State(s): Diskette (ACCNAVI0052) Choose diskette size: __ 3.5 inch or __ 5.25 inch |
$20.00 $5.00 $20.00 |
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$________ $________ $________ |
Periodicals | Price | Quantity | Total |
Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research Shares research on innovative ideas, policies, and programs that show promise in revitalizing cities and regions. Volume 2, Issue 1: Race and Default in Credit Markets: A Colloquy, May (ACCNHUD7008) Volume 2, Issue 2: Bridging Regional Growth and Community Empowerment, July (ACCNHUD7155) Volume 2, Issue 3: Issues in Urban Environmental Policy, December (ACCNHUD7454) |
$5.00 $5.00 $5.00 |
________ ________ ________ |
$________ $________ $________ |
FieldWorks Shares practical information on noteworthy housing and community development programs and resources. 1-year subscription of six bimonthly issues (ACCNHUD7196) | $15.00 | ________ | $________ |
Urban Research Monitor Cites new publications recently added to HUD USER's database of housing and urban research. 1-year subscription of six bimonthly issues (ACCNHUD7195) | $15.00 | ________ | $________ |
U.S. Housing Market Conditions Presents essential data on housing and housing markets from up-to-date government and industry sources. 4th Quarter 1995 (ACCNHUD6991) 1st Quarter 1996 (ACCNHUD7134) 2nd Quarter 1996 (ACCNHUD7309) 3rd Quarter 1996 (ACCNHUD7471) |
$5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 |
________ ________ ________ ________ |
$________ $________ $________ $________ |
Public and Indian Housing | Price | Quantity | Total |
Assessment of American Indian Housing Needs and Programs: Final Report Provides the most comprehensive evaluation to date of the housing problems and needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives, and assesses the effectiveness of Federal programs. September (ACCNHUD7159) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Assessment of the Comprehensive Grant Program Evaluates implementation of the Comprehensive Grant Program in its first 2 years of operation. September Volume I: Report (ACCNHUD7175) Volume II: Case Studies (ACCNHUD7174) |
$5.00 $5.00 |
________ ________ |
$________ $________ |
Creating Defensible Space Offers a review of the Defensible Space concept by its creator, architect Oscar Newman, and features three case studies. November (ACCNHUD7370) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Housing Problems and Needs of American Indians and Alaska Natives Analyzes census and other data on the housing problems and needs of the Native American population. September (ACCNHUD7173) (reproduction only) | $15.00 | ________ | $________ |
An Historical and Baseline Assessment of HOPE VI Reports on the first phase of an evaluation of the Urban Revitalization Demonstration for public housing authorities (HOPE VI). November Volume I: Cross-site Report (ACCNHUD7320) Volume II: Case Studies (ACCNHUD7336) (reproduction only) Volume III: Technical Appendix (ACCNHUD7322) |
$5.00 $40.00 $5.00 |
________ ________ ________ |
$________ $________ $________ |
Housing Problems and Needs of Native Hawaiians Analyzes housing quality, supply, and affordability issues confronting Native Hawaiians living in Hawaii and the continental United States. September (ACCNHUD7016) (reproduction only) | $15.00 | ________ | $________ |
Performance and Planning Assessment of the Youth Apprenticeship Program Assesses eight housing authorities' initial implementation of the program. December (ACCNHUD7318) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Public Housing and a Competitive Market: An Example of How It Would Fare Estimates how PHAs might perform if the present public housing system were deregulated and operating subsidies were replaced with tenant-based rental assistance. September (ACCNHUD7156) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Scattered-Site Housing: Characteristics and Consequences Describes the scattered-site approach to increasing affordable housing, and suggests techniques for implementation. December (ACCNHUD7470) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Stock and Asset Management in Public Housing: Background Readings from HUD Reports Collects four HUD documents offering guidance to public housing managers on deciding whether to retain, modernize, convert, or retire developments. December (ACCNHUD7335) | $5.00 | ________ | $________ |
Urban Policy Brief No. 3: Promoting Self-Sufficiency in Public Housing Assesses impact of HUD-sponsored self-sufficiency programs on the ability of very low-income families to move toward independence. October (ACCNHUD7308) | Free | ________ | $________ |
Total Due HUDUSER | $________ |
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