Recent Research Results
RRR logo 1999 Estimated Income Limits for Low- and for Very Low-Income Families Now Available

HUD has recently released the FY 1999 estimated income limits used by public housing authorities, Section 8, and other federally assisted housing programs to determine eligibility. Available items include:

  • 1999 Estimated Income Limits for "Low-Income " and "Very Low-Income " Families lists income limits by dollar amount and family size based on HUD estimates of median family income. An Area Definition Supplement is included that identifies counties comprising each metropolitan statistical area and primary metropolitan statistical area. It also lists nonmetropolitan counties. HUD USER offers national data in either hard copy or diskette for $25. Individual State data for low- and very low-income limits is also available for $5 in hard copy.

  • Estimated Median Family Incomes for Fiscal Year 1999 by Decile Distribution provides a decile distribution of area incomes. The Area Definition Supplement (described above) is also in- cluded. HUD USER offers national data in either hard copy or diskette for $25. Individual State decile data for low- and very low-income limits is also available for $5 in hard copy.

Users may acquire these items free of charge at a dedicated page on the HUD USER Web site. Users may also order individual State data for either of these items and the Area Definition Supplement through the HUD USER faxback service at 1-800-245-2691. All of the above items may be ordered using the order form.

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