Recent Research Results

HUD Highlights University-Community Partnerships

HUD Secretary Henry G. Cisneros has pointed out that, "The long-term futures of both the city and the university in this country are so intertwined that one cannot -- or perhaps will not -- survive without the other." Universities, with their extensive intellectual and economic resources, can help the communities around them in many ways. University-Community Partnerships: Current Practices, a new report published by HUD's Office of Policy Development and Research, documents the initiatives of over 180 universities that make a difference in their communities.

This report illustrates the many ways that universities can work in communities to reduce economic and social isolation and build on local assets. University-Community Partnerships: Current Practices is now available from HUD USER for $5. Please contact HUD USER to obtain print copies.

To obtain further information on the University Partnerships Clearinghouse, please contact University Partnerships Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 23268, Washington, D.C. 20026-3268. Phone: 1-800-245-2691; E-mail: