HUD USER Archive HUDUser HUDUser


Disclaimer: Archived pages are no longer updated and may contain broken external links.
The HUD USER Archives is composed of collections of archived web pages that are no longer being updated due to budgetary and other constraints. The intent of these pages is to catalog, provide access to, and preserve digital materials.

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Historical information about PD&R's role and mission are contained in these pages.
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Each month, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the U.S. Department of the Treasury produce a monthly scorecard on the health of the nation's housing market.
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The Office for International and Philanthropic Innovation (IPI) supports HUD's efforts to find new solutions and align ideas and resources by working across public, private, and civil sectors to further HUD's mission.
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These pages contain information and materials relating to programs funded by the Office of University Partnerships.
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These periodicals were previously produced by PD&R and featured on HUD USER, but are no longer in production.
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HUD, in collaboration with local and national partner organizations, launched Prosperity Playbook, a new initiative to address efforts to expand economic mobility and housing affordability.
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The Regulatory Barriers Clearinghouse (RBC) collects and disseminates information on the production and preservation of affordable housing and sustainable communities through a searchable database of state and local programs and policies that encourage housing affordability.
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The White House Council on Strong Cities, Strong Communities (SC2) brings together 19 federal agencies to work together in partnership with committed city leaders as they implement locally driven economic visions.
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The Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Program supports locally-led collaborative efforts that bring together diverse interests from the many municipalities in a region to determine how to best target housing, economic and workforce development, and infrastructure investments to create more jobs and regional economic activity.
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The Sustainable Communities Resource Center (SCRC) was intended to provide the public with a comprehensive set of information that supports local and regional strategies, with a particular emphasis on sustainable housing and planning.
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Nearly four million American families live in rental housing that is owned, insured, or subsidized by HUD.
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The purpose of this Glossary is to facilitate a common language within HUD USER and the larger community of urban planners and developers, housing advocates, architects, builders, government officials, researchers, students, and all others concerned with the past, present – and especially – the future of housing in America.
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The Healthy Communities Assessment Tool (HCAT) was developed by HUD’s Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes in 2016. The HCAT was designed to evaluate physical, social, and economic service structures at the neighborhood level that support healthy living and healthy behaviors in our communities.
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This page provides a number of resources related to HUD’s Final Rule on Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH).
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This page provides access to archived software.
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To achieve its mission, HUD must connect Americans in need with resources that will allow them to live safe and financially secure lives.
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This consumer guide describes how to improve a home’s energy efficiency and indoor environmental quality, which can help reduce heating and cooling costs, save energy, and improve occupants’ health and comfort levels.
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This page provides access to archived datasets.
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The EnVision Center Demonstration is empowering all people to fulfill their potential by providing the tools needed to succeed.
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The vision for the Office of Innovation is to create a Department that routinely innovates and improves its operations, services and working conditions.
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Check out the submission forms and award criteria for past HUD's Secretary's awards. Each document identifies the nomination/application process and review criteria for that year's awards program.
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PD&R Edge, an online magazine, provides you with a snapshot view of newly released information from PD&R
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Evidence Matters is PD&R's quarterly publication that demonstrates HUD's commitment to evidence-based policymaking. Each quarterly issue focuses on a key theme and provides researchers, advocates, and industry members with clear, accessible, and timely information.
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This page provides access to archived publications.
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Note: Guidance documents, except when based on statutory or regulatory authority or law, do not have the force and effect of law and are not meant to bind the public in any way. Guidance documents are intended only to provide clarity to the public regarding existing requirements under the law or agency policies.