HUD Secretary's Best in American Living Award Winners 1998
Emerald Court
Seattle, Washington
Sales Price of Unit Entered: $121,000
Median Home Price in the Metropolitan Statistical Area: $217,500
Description: Emerald Court is a 29-unit project located in central Seattle that truly exemplifies a collaborative effort of government, private industry, and nonprofit and community groups.
The nonprofit developer purchased the land from the City after it had been surplused by the Federal Government. First-time homebuyers were able to take advantage of buyer education classes and downpayment assistance (obtained from HUD’s Nehemiah program, Washington State Affordable Housing Program, and Seattle’s Housing Levy). Construction financing was provided by a local bank and the Fannie Mae Foundation, and mortgage subsidies were provided by the Washington State Housing Finance Commission.
The design challenge of this project was to integrate the townhome buildings (28 units per acre) with single-family homes (16 units per acre). Rather than designing a typical rowhouse-style townhome, the architect chose a "fourplex"style townhome, giving the appearance of one larger home, and providing affordable housing for four families. Blocks were developed with two single family homes on either end of three townhome buildings, which created a more residential than multifamily character.