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FALL 2014                         SPRING/SUMMER 2014                         WINTER 2014                        



FALL 2014
Evidence Matters Fall 2014
FALL 2014
  • Choosing Homes, Choosing Schools (2014), by Annette Lareau and Kimberly Goyette, eds., examines school choices, how American parents choose where to live and send their children to school, and how these choices and decisions shape opportunities for families and children.
  • Neighbourhood Effects Research: New Perspectives (2012), by Maarten van Ham et al., eds., offers new perspectives on how neighborhoods shape the life chances of individuals.
  • “‘Living Here Has Changed My Whole Perspective’: How Escaping Inner-City Poverty Shapes Neighborhood and Hous­ing Choice” (2014), by Jennifer Darrah and Stefanie DeLuca, describes research on an assisted mobility voucher program that finds that living in higher-opportunity neighborhoods caused participants’ residential preferences to shift over time.
  • “A Brief Look at the Early Implementation of Choice Neighborhoods” (2013), by Rolf Pendall and Leah Hendey, focuses on background information about the first five Choice Neighborhoods implementation sites and their transformation plans and highlights early observations about progress and challenges in launching the program.­tion-of-Choice-Neighborhoods.pdf.
  • “Family Poverty Affects the Rate of Human Infant Brain Growth” (2013), by Jamie L. Hanson et al., examined changes in human brain structure from birth through age four, a period during which a high rate of brain development normally occurs. Trajectories of brain growth in children from economically diverse backgrounds indicated that low socioeconomic envi­ronments were related to slower brain development and to higher rates of be­havior problems.­cle/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0080954.     
  • “The Social Genome Project: Mapping Pathways to the Middle Class” (ongoing), in development by the Center on Children and Families at the Brookings Institution, is a model of social mobility over the life cycle with data and tools for policy analy­sis.
  • “Factors Contributing to the Receipt of Housing Assistance by Low-Income Fami­lies with Children in Twenty American Cities” (2014), by Jung Min Park et al., tracks a large sample of low-income families over a 9-year period to discover which families ultimately receive housing assistance.
  • “An Examination of the Efficacy of INSIGHTS in Enhancing the Aca­demic and Behavioral Development of Children in Early Grades,” (2014), by Erin E. O’Connor et al., studies INSIGHTS, a program designed to facilitate learning by appropriately align­ing educational experiences with a child’s temperament, and evaluates its impact on the academic skill develop­ment of children in low-income schools.
  • The National Center for Healthy Housing hosts a range of healthy homes resources including NCHH publications and a bib­liographic database, the Healthy Housing Clearinghouse.
  • The Green & Healthy Homes Initiative’s website contains information for parents and caregivers as well as policymakers about common home health hazards and available resources to combat them.

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Evidence Matters Spring/Summer 2014
  • Knocking on the Door: The Federal Government’s Attempt to Desegregate the Suburbs (2006), by Christopher Bonastia, documents HUD’s early efforts, under Secretary George Romney, to affirmatively implement the Fair Housing Act to reduce segregation.
  • Climbing Mount Laurel: The Struggle for Affordable Housing and Social Mobility in an American Suburb (2013), by Douglas S. Massey et al., evaluates the consequences of the placement of an affordable housing development in Mount Laurel, New Jersey as required by a landmark state Supreme Court ruling.
  • Fragile Rights Within Cities: Government, Housing, and Fairness (2006), edited by John Goering, contains essays on housing discrimination and housing discrimination research, segregation and integration, and fair housing enforcement policies and programs.
  • The Geography of Opportunity: Race and Housing Choice in Metropolitan America (2005), edited by Xavier de Souza Briggs, is a collection of essays that address ways to ensure equal opportunity for an increasingly diverse population in the context of historic discrimination and persisting segregation.
  • “Concentration of Poverty in the New Millennium: Changes in Prevalence, Composition, and Location of High Poverty Neighborhoods” (2013), by Paul A. Jargowsky, summarizes the changes in the geography and demographics of concentrated poverty, including racial changes, and concludes with a discussion of the consequences of concentrated poverty.
  • “Finding Common Ground: Coordinating Housing and Education Policy to Promote Integration” (2011), by the Poverty and Race Research Action Council, advocates moving beyond a siloed approach to housing and education policy by thinking collaboratively about the impact one has on the other, with the goal of fostering inclusive, integrated schools and communities.
  • ““Expanding Housing Opportunities Through Inclusionary Zoning: Lessons From Two Counties” (2012), by researchers from the Urban Institute and the University of Maryland at College Park, examines the effectiveness of two inclusionary zoning strategies for increasing the supply of affordable housing and furthering other housing goals.
  • “Commemorating the 30th Anniversary of the Fair Housing Act” (1998), a special issue of Cityscape, contains articles reflecting on the history of the Fair Housing Act, examining its implementation, and proposing recommendations for policy improvements and future actions.
  • The Louis L. Biro Law Library at John Marshall Law School hosts a bibliography of fair housing resources and publications.
  • Fair Housing Act Design Manual: A Manual to Assist Designers and Builders in Meeting the Accessibility Requirements of the Fair Housing Act (1998),by the Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity and the Office of Housing at HUD, provides clear and comprehensive guidance regarding the accessibility obligations of builders under the Fair Housing Act.
  • Fair Housing Accessibility FIRST is a HUD-supported initiative that provides Fair Housing Act construction and design information and technical support through instruction, online resources, and a toll-free information line.
  • Housing Discrimination: Law and Litigation (2013), by Robert Schwemm, discusses the history of fair housing law and examines important past and recent cases.
  • Segregation Now: Investigating America’s Racial Divide is a ProPublica investigative series that features several stories on housing segregation and discrimination both past and present.
  • HUD’s Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity assists people who believe that they are victims of housing discrimination. For information on filing a complaint or how to a local fair housing group, visit
  • The National Fair Housing Alliance (NFHA) hosts a range of relevant resources, including a tool for locating local fair housing organizations. NFHA publishes an annual report that documents trends in the most recent housing discrimination data from HUD and private fair housing groups and examines current fair housing policy issues.
  • “Symposium on Fair Housing Testing”(2009), in The Urban Lawyer, contains a collection of articles on the challenges and strengths associated with fair housing testing. The articles are based on presentations from a conference on fair housing testing held at Wayne State University Law School in 2008.
  • A Matter of Place (2014), jointly produced by the Fair Housing Justice Center and Kavanagh Productions, is a documentary film that tells the stories of people who faced housing discrimination in present-day New York placed in the context of the nation’s history of racial residential segregation.
  • The Equality of Opportunity Project, a study of intergenerational mobility in the United States, finds significant correlation between intergenerational mobility and residential and economic segregation.
  • “Improving Equality of Opportunity in America: New Evidence and Policy Lessons” (2014), a lecture by Harvard University professor of economics Raj Chetty, discusses how certain charactersitics of a community can affect a child’s chances for future income mobility.

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Evidence Matters Winter 2014
  • The Center for Community Progress website contains a range of resources related to reclaiming vacant and abandoned properties including toolkits, research, and news.
  • Vacant Property Research Initiative of the Metropolitan Institute at Virginia Tech hosts a growing bibliography of resources relevant to vacant properties and neighborhood revitalization.
  • “NNIP Lessons on Local Data Sharing” (2013), by the National Neighborhood Indicators Partnership, provides step-by-step advice for establishing a neighborhood indicator system and includes examples of data sharing agreements.
  • “How Can Municipalities Confront the Vacant Property Challenge?” (2010), by Business and Professional People for the Public Interest, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning, and the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus, includes an introductory guide, toolkit, and detailed appendix outlining programs and policies to address foreclosed and vacant properties. .
  • “Superfund Reuse: Bringing New Opportunities to Communities” (2013), by the United States Environmental Protection Agency, highlights 10 examples of vacant property reuse accomplished through the Superfund Redevelopment Initiative.
  • Big Box Reuse (2008), by Julia Christensen, profiles 10 examples of vacated big box stores repurposed for community reuse.
  • Sunburnt Cities: The Great Recession, Depopulation and Urban Planning in the American Sunbelt (2011), by Justin B. Hollander, questions the applicability of growth policies and planning for shrinking Sunbelt cities and draws lessons from Rustbelt decline to craft a more appropriate planning framework.
  • Recycling the City: The Use and Reuse of Urban Land (2004), edited by Rosalind Greenstein and Yesim Sungu-Eryilmaz, assembles essays that examine potential reuses of vacant and abandoned urban lands such as urban agriculture.
  • “Great Neighborhoods, Great City: Strategies for the 2010s” (2012), by Paul C. Brophy, discusses revitalization strategies for Baltimore neighborhoods contending with vacant and abandoned properties, with a focus on targeting resources in middle neighborhoods.
  • “Greening the Rust Belt: A Green Infrastructure Model for Right Sizing America’s Shrinking Cities” (2008), by Joseph Schilling and Jonathan Logan, considers greening strategies for vacant and abandoned properties in older industrial cities.
  • Dawn of the Dead City: An Exploratory Analysis of Vacant Addresses in Buffalo, NY 2008-2010” (2012), by Robert Mark Silverman, Li Yin, and Kelly L. Patterson, investigates the particular problems of long-term vacant and abandoned properties in shrinking cities, which they term “zombie properties.”
  • “The Local Wreckage of Global Capital: The Subprime Crisis, Federal Policy and High-Foreclosure Neighborhoods in the US” (2011), by Dan Immergluck, discusses the causes of the rise in foreclosed vacant properties, the difficulties they cause for communities, and the main federal response to the problem, the Neighborhood Stabilization Program.
  • “How Do Foreclosures Affect Property Values and Property Taxes?” (2014), by James Alm, Robert D. Buschman, and David L. Sjoquist, draws on proprietary foreclosure data from
    RealtyTrac, which provides annual foreclosures by zip code for the period 2006 through 2011, to examine the impacts of foreclosures on local government property tax values and revenues.

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The contents of this article are the views of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development or the U.S. Government.

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