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SPRING 2018                                      SUMMER/FALL 2018



Evidence Matters SUMMER/FALL 2018

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Evidence Matters SPRING 2018
  • "Regulatory Innovation and Affordable Housing" (2009), volume 11, issue 2 of Cityscape: A Journal of Policy Development and Research, covers a range of topics concerning the relationship between regulations and housing affordability.
  • "The New Exclusionary Zoning" (2014), by John Mangin, investigates how exclusionary policies typical of suburbs have emerged in several cities as higher-income residents gentrify neighborhoods and then seek to stem further population growth.
  • "Responding to Changing Households: Regulatory Challenges for Micro-Units and Accessory Dwelling Units" (2014), by Vicki Been, Benjamin Gross, and John Infranca, examines regulatory restraints that prevent the addition of housing that could meet the increasing demand for smaller units in some markets.
  • "The Experience of Racial and Ethnic Minorities with Zoning in the United States" (2017), by Andrew H. Whittemore, considers the disproportionate effects of exclusionary zoning and targeting of commercial and industrial development on racial minorities.
  • "Why has regional income convergence in the U.S. declined?" (2017), by Peter Ganong and Daniel Shoag, studies the decline in regional income convergence in relation to the increase in housing prices in high-income places. Their model highlights the importance of housing supply regulations.
  • "Parking Requirements and Housing Development: Regulation and Reform in Los Angeles" (2013), by Michael Manville, discusses the results of a change in Los Angeles that removed parking requirements for vacant downtown commercial and industrial buildings that converted to residential use.
  • "Can state law combat exclusionary zoning? Evidence from Massachusetts" (2015), by Lynn M. Fisher and Nicholas J. Marantz, provides empirical evidence and statistical models to identify the regulatory contexts and types of projects for which developers use Chapter 40B.
  • "State Intervention in Local Land Use Decision Making: The Case of Massachusetts" (2013), by Lynn Fisher, analyzes permit applications and developer appeals to determine whether approved developments actually lead to affordable housing construction.
  • "The State of Housing in California: Affordability Worsens, Supply Problems Remain" (2014), by the California Department of Housing and Community Development, provides useful data on the affordable housing shortage in California.

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