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SUMMER 2022                                                                           SPRING 2022



Summer 2022
Evidence Matters Summer 2022
Summer 2022
  • Volume 32, issue 1 of Housing Policy Debate is a special issue devoted to the intersection of housing policy and climate change. The issue’s articles touch on topics such as evictions and disasters, home buyout programs, and disparities in climate adaptation.
  • “Climate and Housing Crisis: A Research Agenda for Urban Communities” (2021), by Michael P. Johnson, Patricio Belloy, Heather MacLean, and Sajani Kandel, proposes a research framework for cities to understand and respond to the intersection of the climate change and housing unaffordability crises, with special attention to the needs of the residents most vulnerable to these threats.
  • The Georgetown Climate Center hosts the Adaptation Clearinghouse, an online repository of resources to help policymakers and local communities implement climate adaptation strategies, including those related to energy and land use.
  • “Shifting to Zero: Zero Carbon Buildings Policy Toolkit: A Guide to Municipal Incentives and Policies to Drive Market Development of Zero Carbon Buildings in Washington State” (2020), by Shift Zero, offers local governments guidance on a mix of mandates and incentives to move buildings toward zero carbon emissions. Although the toolkit is geared specifically to the context of Washington State, its broader points also can be applied to other local contexts.
  • “Preliminary Outcome Evaluation: The National Disaster Resilience Competition’s Resilience Academies” (2016), by the Rockefeller Foundation, describes lessons learned from the Resilience Academies and Capacity Building Initiative and the progress jurisdictions have made in incorporating resilience into their National Disaster Resilience Competition applications. Report-2016.pdf.
  • “Springfield Climate Action & Resiliency Plan Vulnerability and Resilience” (2017), by Elisabeth Hamin, August Williams- Eynon, and Catherine Ratte, discusses the geographic and socioeconomic vulnerabilities in communities in Springfield, Massachusetts, and presents recommendations for increasing resilience to flooding in high-risk areas.
  • “5th Anniversary Report, Five Years Later: A Retrospective,” by the New York Governor’s Office of Storm Recovery, discusses New York State’s progress in housing, economic development, and green infrastructure projects in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy and best practices for disaster planning. crp/community/documents/Fifth%20Anniversary%20Report.pdf.
  • “Living with Water Hampton: A Holistic Approach to Addressing Sea Level Rise and Resiliency” (2017), by Waggonner & Ball Architects, presents progress made in the Hampton Roads region during Phase I of the Resilient Hampton initiative.

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Spring 2022
Evidence Matters Spring 2022
Spring 2022

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The contents of this article are the views of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development or the U.S. Government.

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