Recent Research Results
Characteristics of Households in Public and Assisted Housing

Public Housing Tenant-
Section 8
Section 8
Total (c)

Total Households 1,200,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 300,000 4,300,000
Persons per Household 2.32 2.70 1.85 2.07 2.27
Race/Ethnicity (a)
% White Non-Hispanic 30% 44% 54% 53% 44%
% Black Non-Hispanic 48% 37% 32% 31% 38%
% Hispanic 19% 15% 11% 11% 15%
% Asian 2% 2% 3% 5% 3%
% Native American 0% 1% 1% 0% 1%
Household Composition
% Families With Children (d) 46% 65% 35% 38% 48%
   % 1 Child 16% 22% 15% 18% 18%
   % 2 Children 15% 22% 12% 13% 16%
   % 3 or More 16% 21% 8% 7% 14%
% Households Without Children 54% 35% 65% 62% 52%
   % Elderly (e) 30% 16% 47% 34% 31%
   % Persons with
11% 12% 11% 5% 11%
   % Other 13% 7% 7% 23% 10%
Primary Income Source For Families With Children (f)
% Wages 36% 36% 40% 78% 40%
% Public Assistance (g) 48% 49% 38% 10% 42%
% SS, Pensions (g) 8% 8% 15% 9% 10%
Economic Characteristics For All Households (f)
Median Income $6,939 $7,547 $7,501 $13,326 $7,766
As % of area median 21% 21% 23% 38% 23%
Average Income $8,535 $8,922 $8,365 $15,024 $9,058
As % of area median 24% 24% 25% 41% 26%
Average Monthly Rent (h) $188 $195 $181 $342 $199


a Changes from previous fact sheets should be interpreted cautiously because of variations in reporting. This fact sheet weights data for PHA-administered programs to control totals. Newer data, with different categories, are in A Picture of Subsidized Housing in 1997.

b Other private project-based are households in multifamily projects that receive only shallower subsidies: for example, units with interest reduction subsidies under Section 236, but no Section 8 assistance.

c This total does not include Indian housing and Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation. These programs have 0.1 million households each, raising the total of assisted households to 4.5 million. The public housing total is occupied units; other program totals assume full utilization of units.

d All households with children regardless of the age or disability status of the head of household.

e Households whose head is 62 years of age or older regardless of disability status.

f Primary income source means the largest of four categories of income: wages, public assistance, Social Security/pensions, other. For public housing and tenant-based Section 8 programs, economic statistics exclude households with zero incomes because of suspected reporting problems.

g Public assistance includes state General Assistance for all programs. Supplemental Security Income (SSI) also is included in public assistance for public housing and tenant-based Section 8, but in Social Security/pension income for private project-based programs.

h For public housing and tenant-based Section 8 programs, not always the actual rent paid by tenants; for example, because of public housing ceiling rents or voucher families renting above or below fair market rent.


Public Housing and Tenant-Based Section 8 data are a February 1997 extract of the Multifamily Tenant Characteristics System (MTCS); Project-Based program data are a June 1997 extract of the Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System (TRACS).

Program totals are based on budget and accounting data.

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