Prospect Park is located in east central Minneapolis. The neighborhood borders the City of Saint Paul on the eastern side and the University of Minnesota to the west. It is bound on the south by the Mississippi River and on the north by the railroad tracks and the SE industrial area. The neighborhood was platted as the Prospect Park subdivision in 1885 by developer Louis Menage. In the late 19th century, Prospect Park was a Minneapolis suburb connected to the city by a streetcar line. The neighborhood's steep hills, curving streets, and the Witch's Hat water tower, built in 1913, all give it a strong sense of place. Nearby shopping, recreation, and frequent community events add to the urban-village community feel of Prospect Park.
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Indicator Details
Indicators![]() |
Primary Domain | Indicator Value | Rank | Tier |
Walkability | Neighborhood Characteristics | 67 | 33 | Middle |
Voter Participation | Social Cohesion | 15.4% | 75 | Bottom |
Violent Crime | Health Systems and Public Safety | 32.9 | 20 | Top |
Vacancy Rates | Housing | 12.8% | 71 | Bottom |
Tree Cover | Natural Areas | 34.9% | 12 | Top |
Travel Time to Work | Employment Opportunities | 17.7 minutes | 1 | Top |
Transit Accessibility | Transportation | 417.1 | 25 | Top |
Toxic Releases from Facilities | Environmental Hazards | 6.1% | 50 | Middle |
School Readiness Scores | Educational Opportunities | -% | - | Data N/A |
School Proximity to Traffic | Environmental Hazards | 33.3% | 52 | Middle |
Residential Proximity to Traffic | Environmental Hazards | 37.8% | 78 | Bottom |
Residential Mobility | Social Cohesion | 41.7% | 86 | Bottom |
Reading Proficiency | Educational Opportunities | 50.0% | 11 | Top |
Public Assisted Households | Employment Opportunities | 16.7% | 40 | Middle |
Proximity to Superfund Sites | Environmental Hazards | 84.7% | 78 | Bottom |
Proximity to Brownfield Sites | Environmental Hazards | 38.8% | 86 | Bottom |
Preventable Hospitalizations | Health Systems and Public Safety | 3.3 | 54 | Middle |
Preschool Enrollment | Educational Opportunities | 100.0% | 1 | Top |
Pedestrian Connectivity | Transportation | 217.1 | 8 | Top |
Offsite Alcohol Outlets | Neighborhood Characteristics | 2.5 | 70 | Bottom |
Motor Vehicle Collisions | Health Systems and Public Safety | 4.5 | 34 | Middle |
Low Birth Weight | Health Systems and Public Safety | 4.0% | 13 | Top |
Long-Term Unemployment | Employment Opportunities | 6.7% | 57 | Middle |
Local Business Vitality | Economic Health | 43.3% | 83 | Bottom |
Household Transportation Costs | Transportation | 15.3% | 22 | Top |
High School Graduation Rate | Educational Opportunities | -% | - | Data N/A |
Food Desert | Neighborhood Characteristics | 50.0% | 11 | Top |
Excessive Housing Cost Burden | Housing | 44.9% | 74 | Bottom |
Employment Rate | Employment Opportunities | 48.8% | 78 | Bottom |
Commute Mode Share | Transportation | 53.9% | 5 | Top |
Chronic School Absence | Health Systems and Public Safety | 73.8% | 43 | Middle |
Business Retention | Economic Health | -7.3% | 84 | Bottom |
Blood Lead Levels in Children | Housing | 1.1% | 8 | Top |
Age of Housing | Housing | 60.8% | 8 | Top |
Adult Educational Attainment | Educational Opportunities | 88.9% | 48 | Middle |
Access to Parks and Open Space | Natural Areas | 8.2% | 33 | Middle |
Access to Mainstream Financial Services | Economic Health | 22.6% | 40 | Middle |