Summer 2021 |
The Eviction Lab website hosts eviction data, tracking systems, interactive tools, research analysis, and information about policies and resources. A special section contains information about tools and resources related to COVID-19. evictionlab.org/.
The Just Shelter website tells stories of eviction and catalogs community and national resources to help connect people with eviction prevention efforts across the country. justshelter.org/.
"State and Local Rental Assistance," hosted by the National Low-Income Housing Coalition, has an extensive and searchable list of state and local emergency rental assistance programs. nlihc.org/rental-assistance.
"Designing for Housing Stability: Best Practices for Court-Based and Court-Adjacent Eviction Prevention and/or Diversion Programs" (2021), by Deanna Pantín Parrish, surveys eviction prevention and diversion programs across the country to identify best practices. hnmcp.law.harvard.edu/designing-for-housing-stability/.
"Michigan Evictions: Trends, Data Sources, and Neighborhood Determinants" (2020), by Robert Goodspeed, Kyle Slugg, Margaret Dewar, and Elizabeth Benton, analyzes statewide eviction filing data to understand the prevalence, patterns, and causes of evictions in Michigan and offer recommendations to local and state officials. poverty.umich.edu/files/2020/06/Michigan-Eviction-Project-working-paper.pdf.
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