Government Sponsored Enterprise Data

Government Sponsored Enterprise Data

This dataset is no longer updated. Updated data is available at

The Department of Housing and Urban Development published a wealth of information on the mortgage purchases of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, two Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) for which HUD had oversight through mid-2008.. The GSEs are secondary-market institutions that purchase single-family conventional loans originated in the United States. HUD has established housing goals in accordance with the Federal Housing Enterprises Financial Safety and Soundness Act of 1992 (the 1992 GSE Act). Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are required to meet specified goals for purchases of mortgages that finance housing for very-low-, low- and moderate-income families and families living in areas traditionally underserved by the mortgage market. These new data sets shed light on their efforts and provide additional data for mortgage research.

The information is intended to aid mortgage lenders, planners, researchers, and housing advocates in studying the flow of mortgage credit and capital in America's communities. It will also help you understand where Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are focusing their affordable homeownership efforts.

You can obtain or view data from the GSE Public Use Database in several ways. The principal methods include downloading data sets directly from the Internet, ordering data sets from our website, ordering data sets on CD-ROM from HUD USER, and ordering or viewing tables derived from the GSE Public Use Database.

In addition to data, there is more general information available on HUD's implementation of the 1992 GSE Act, monitoring of the GSEs' housing goals performance, and studies related to the GSEs.

Multifamily GSE Mortgage Data Sets
Data sets on single-family and multifamily mortgage purchases by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are available from HUD USER. The data are intended to aid mortgage lenders, planners, researchers, and housing advocates in studying the flow of mortgage credit and capital in America's communities. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are required to meet specified goals for purchases of mortgages that finance housing for very-low-, low-, and moderate-income families and families living in areas traditionally underserved by the mortgage market. These data sets provide insight into their efforts and additional data for mortgage research.

Geographically Targeted Goal Data

The annual Geographically Targeted Goal is intended to achieve increased purchases by the GSEs of mortgages financing housing in areas that are underserved in terms of mortgage credit. Files that identify areas designated by HUD as underserved are available in census tract level files covering metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas. The year for which the underserved definitions are applicable is indicated in the respective file name. Underserved area definitions are based on prior year MSA definitions as determined by OMB. Each file includes a description of the file layout.

The Federal Housing Finance Agency, which now regulates Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, has posted the 2009 Geographically Targeted dataset on its website at

Download Multifamily GSE Mortgage Data Sets

Download Geographically Targeted Goal Data