Home > Office of Innovation > Innovations > Standardize Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) Package Submission
Standardizing PRA submission package creation 2020
The HUD Office of Innovation, the Office of Policy Development & Research (PD&R), and the Office of the Chief Information Technology Officer (OCIO) identified the need to standardize the process for drafting Paperwork Reduction Act packages and develop a data inventory to comply with the requirements of the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act.
The project team collaborated with representatives of the Department of Education (DoEd) who had developed a web-based tool for creating, reviewing, and approving PRA package submissions before transmitting packages to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). The tool was built in collaboration with OMB.
The DoEd tool would be piloted in PD&R at HUD as a test to determine if it would be suitable for deployment at HUD.
Key Team Members comprise of HUD personnel.
From the Office of Policy Development & Research
Todd Richardson, Lydia Taghavi, Anne Fletcher, Ron Hill
From the Office of Innovation
Chris Bourne, Larry Ouzts, Mitch Margeson
PD&R — Todd Richardson
The effort has been suspended pending designation of a permanent Chief Data Officer and support staff.