TTENANT-BASED RENTAL ASSISTANCE (TBRA): HUD assists low- and very low-income families in obtaining decent, safe, and sanitary housing in private accommodations by making up the difference between what they can afford and the approved rent for an adequate housing unit. TENANT RENTAL ASSISTANCE CERTIFICATION SYSTEM (TRACS): A HUD computer system developed to help improve financial controls over assisted housing programs by automating manual procedures and incorporating automated controls. TENURE (OWNER-OCCUPIED and RENTER-OCCUPIED, see TENURE): A housing unit is owner occupied (including a cooperative or condominium unit) if someone whose name is on the deed, mortgage, or contract to purchase lives in the unit. All other occupied housing units are classified as renter occupied units, including units rented for cash, if occupants or others pay some rent. TRANSIT-ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT (TOD): Development of commercial space, housing services, and job opportunities close to public transportation, thereby reducing dependence on automobiles. TODs are typically designed to include a mix of land uses within a quarter-mile walking distance of transit stops or core commercial areas. TRIBALLY DESIGNATED HOUSING ENTITIES (THDES): [an] entity designated by [a] tribe to receive HUD funds [and] administer its housing programs with these federal dollars. TRANSITIONAL HOUSING: A project that has as its purpose facilitating the movement of homeless individuals and families to permanent housing within a reasonable amount of time (usually 24 months). Transitional housing includes housing primarily designed to serve deinstitutionalized homeless individuals and other homeless individuals with mental or physical disabilities and homeless families with children.